Friday, October 1, 2010

Persuasive Poster Initial Critique

The initial critique of the persuasive poster was meant to see how the design, layout, and clarity of the concept was being conveyed at full scale size. The above images are three versions of my 2 ft. x 3 ft. persuasive poster promoting dark chocolate (note that the PDF format made some of the letters look thicker than they are in the original file). The first image reads "guiltless indulgence" with four lines of smaller type reading: 

antioxidant rich. 
endorphin stimulant. 
serotonin booster. 
need we say more? 

The second image has the same copy as just listed only it is placed at the base of the poster, and the third image omits the four lines of descriptives and only reads "guiltless indulgence." After receiving feedback  from my fellow classmates about how to best improve the design of this poster, I feel like there was a general consensus that "less is more" in reference to the copy. I also felt this way going into the critique and was glad to have my initial thoughts confirmed about leaving out the four lines listed above. Saying that, the third image above was viewed as the most successful of the three. I will continue to push the design of this third poster to enhance the design and the layout, for example it was suggested to have the end of the drip be visible above the base of the poster to encourage a sense of tension with the image. Other suggestions about the weight of the type and the spacing of the letters were given as well, and the final poster will definitely use these critiques to enhance the final design. 

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