Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dark Chocolate: The Best Food in the World

The second GD1 project assigned for this course is a black and white persuasive poster meant featuring our favorite food. The poster is meant to convince the public audience that the food being portrayed is nothing less than the best. After reading the initial description of the assignment, it did not take me long to decipher which food I would choose to feature in my design: chocolate. Dark chocolate, to be exact. I am not exaggerating the slightest bit when I say that chocolate is the most delectable, savory morsel of sweetness that you could ever put in your mouth!

After choosing the subject matter of my designs, began to draw thumbnail sketches of potential ideas for this persuasive poster. The images posted above are the initial ideas I have come up with for this design project, and I plan to use the statistical health benefits of dark chocolate in conjunction with text and image to make the final product irresistible for the viewer to deny. These four thumbnails will be the starting foundation for the final poster and will most likely implement elements of both logos and pathos to draw the viewer in.

GD1 Book Review

The GD1 Book Review was the first project assigned for the semester and was meant to teach the importance of designing quality powerpoint presentations for our clients/audience. For this project, we were each to choose a design book that we felt would be a useful tool for brainstorming and skill-building over the semester. I chose a book written by Rob Ford on web design called "Guidelines for Online Success" and focused my powerpoint around this book's rich content and design. Each of my slides were formatted to look as the book did. Bright colorful tabs divided the chapters and sub-categories, and typographic designs helped to frame the content on each page. Over all, this book did a wonderful job organizing the wide range of content, tips, and sample imagery in a way that engaged, taught, and enticed the reader to look further. It was my aim to design this powerpoint in a similar way, hence why the designs of the book and my presentation shared numerous fundamental similarities. 

Upon completing and presenting my final project for this book review, I was fairly pleased with how it turned out. I enjoyed emulating the designs of the book in my powerpoint and I felt that the information presented was enough to convince my audience that they will want to check out this book. However, as with any project, there are improvements that can be made. One unexpected issue with my presentation was the fact that the projector made the colors and images much darker than what I had initially designed on my computer. Because of that, some of the slides and sample images were slightly too dark and some of the text was not as readable as it should have been. Another improvement that I would have liked to have made it to elaborate further on the examples shown in the book. I feel that this could have drawn in my audience further and overall would have shown some of the best features that the book has. However, I enjoyed doing this project and feel that I have a much better sense about the importance of designing presentations that are up to par with the level of designs I hope to be making.